Friday, October 25, 2013

#7 - So much work

This weekend, I have a three day weekend because of a teacher planning day. Plenty of time to finish all my three-day weekend homework and catch up on Psychology and maybe get on with the last two assignments for Social Media and probably finish up the last project left in Ch1 of my Excel e-book, I thought.

Now I'm beginning to doubt that, and it's only the first day.

I just realized how much work this is...
I'm not even halfway finished with Psych 1.04 yet, and the rest haven't even been started, even though I've been working for a few hours already.

OK, well, that's a lie. I did most of my Algebra extra credit during the pep rally yesterday, because I didn't go. I also got maybe 20% of my Spanish worksheet done. I did some of the Chemistry homework, because I knew it was going to be a lot (60 written response questions). But I did all of that yesterday.

But I still have a lot to do, especially since the parts of Chemistry I didn't do were the ones I didn't know, so I now have to study them.

I'd better be done with Psych 1.05 by this evening so I can call my teacher for my DBA, since her office hours don't include Saturdays and Sundays.

So, let's get right back to it!