Saturday, September 7, 2013

#5 - So many events, so little money...

I'm sorry that I haven't posted for a month, I really am! School was starting back up and I got into IB (yay!), so I've been trying to get back on track with that.

But now that I've finally settled in, I'm back...Except I have a problem.

Many bands I like either released albums this summer or are releasing them on Tuesday...and there's still more announcements coming. On top of that, some bands are coming here on tour soon!

Of course I'm going to give the shows priority over the CDs (I can buy the CDs when I have money, but who knows when the next tour will be?), but I'm not even going to be able to afford all of them! >_<

When life gets hard...your head asplode

Here's a complete list of recently released (or soon-to-be-released) albums that I am interested in (the ones I have are crossed out in red):
  1. Anarbor - "Burnout"
  2. Rise Against - "RPM10"
  3. Forever the Sickest Kids - "J.A.C.K"
  4. Skillet - "Rise" (updated - October)
  5. The Used - "The Ocean of the Sky"
  6. Tonight Alive - "The Other Side"
  7. Rise Against - "Long Forgotten Songs"
  8. Bowling for Soup  - "Lunch. Drunk. Love."
  9. All Time Low - "Don't Panic: It's Longer Now"
  10. You Me At Six - "Cavalier Youth"
  11. Avenged Sevenfold - "Hail to the King"
I wonder where I'll get that money from...
I want to get a job to pay for all that stuff, but I can't. I can't even drive anywhere to get a job. I live 5.5 miles from civilization.

I get home from school at 4:30, it takes an hour for me to bike 5.5 miles. Now it's 5:30. If I start my shift right away, I can work until 8:30, because I'm only allowed to work 3 hours per day on weekdays during the school year. At that point, it's too dark and abandoned to safely head back on my bike, and even if I did, it would be 9:30 when I got back. I'm pretty sure biking 11 miles every day after school won't be such a good idea either. Also, who's gonna do all my IB homework??? (My bedtime's at 10)

If only...

Sometimes I wonder if all the bands had an agreement to release all their albums in the same time frame. I have never seen such a massive amount of album releases from bands I like in such a short time frame.

Then again, I only got really into music 4 years ago, and the place I lived in didn't sell many English-language music CDs (other than classics like the Beatles), and Amazon shipping was more than 3 times the price of the product, and eBay wasn't even an option. Also, no English-language bands ever toured there.

I guess it is quite overwhelming, to say the least.

For the record, I can't drown. I can't even go underwater. I'm too light for that.
Also, I don't know why, but I am suddenly in love with this song:

See you next time!

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