Saturday, January 11, 2014

#12 - Art

I have gotten into one of those "artsy" moods that I have for a few months every year or so. So I decided to go buy a big tri-fold display board even though I have no idea what to do with it.

What do you mean it's only used for presentations‽
In case you didn't know, "‽" is an "interrobang", or a combination of a question mark ("interrogative point") and an exclamation mark ("bang"). If you want more information, you can read about it on Wikipedia.

I also bought a 64 pack of crayons to make a project like this...

...before I realized I didn't have a canvas or super/hot glue.

I might be able to find a "mini" canvas but I doubt I'll have superglue just lying around. And I definitely don't have hot glue.

I also decided that I wanted to finish my "laptop folder" that I "started" back in November, so I went and got paint but the black paint just looks grey and it basically ruined the whole thing before I even got started.

That's my own, by the way.
Basically, even when I'm in an artsy mood, I do everything wrong. Laugh at me, because I know I am.

Songs on my mind

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