Saturday, April 19, 2014

#23 - Coming out to friends (and a teacher - indirectly)

My parents still don't know I'm an FTM. They still view me as a girl in a tomboy phase. I have known I was FTM since I first learned what transgender meant when I was 9 years old. It doesn't have to show in early childhood to be real - heck, I didn't even know I had a choice when I was a kid. The words that cycled around in my head every time I wanted to tell an adult something were, "Nobody believes me."

Adults are usually so condescending
A while ago, I came out to my lunch buddies. I literally said, "I want to be a man when I grow up." Surprisingly, they were cool with it. One of them was a hardcore conservative republican. She was OK with it too.

(Not bashing republicans or anything. I hope you understand what I mean by hardcore.)

We were also doing "conditional" sentences in French and we were given imaginary scenarios to write conditionals for. They were:
What would you do if... could be any avatar (aka anything)? found a prince, a sheep, and a rose on an uninhabited planet?
...someone gave you 1 million dollars?

Of course one of my answers was, "I would take the million dollars, become a prince and live with the other prince on the uninhabited planet."

The other was, "I would use the rose to propose to the prince and have the sheep as my bridesmaid."

So not only did I come out as transgender (I even use a male name in that class, though I am still referred to as "mademoiselle" and "elle"), I came out as a gay transman.

May the god I don't believe in help me if she is LGBT-phobic.

Those assignments haven't been graded yet since they were turned in right before our three-day weekend for Easter. People here celebrate Easter, so there is usually some delay in grading around this time.

I would like to see my teacher's reaction. Hopefully it's not that bad.


So my French teacher decided to was ok to "correct" my sentence from "I would...become a prince" to "I would...become a princess."

Screw you, French teacher. Screw you.

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